MEWUSA is a non-profit organization registered with the Department of Labour in South Africa. It is an affiliate of the National Council of Trade Unions (NACTU). The union’s core functions is recruiting and servicing its members and bargaining with employers over labour matters on its members’ behalf. MEWUSA was formed by the downtrodden mass of the economically exploited, socially deprived and poor working class, emerging from a capitalist apartheid settler colonialism. As a trade union MEWUSA we are still enduring hardships of capitalist system designed to perpetuate exploitation of workers by imperialist, white settler capital and their parasitic comprador black bourgeoisie.

Principles and values

MEWUSA is governed by the following principles

  1. Democratic Centralism
  2. Collective leadership
  3. Workers controlled
  4. Workers democracy
  5. Political independence of the workers class